#Sun keyboard driver windows 7 update
I tried to update it for 64bit but without the src files its an epic failso.I can't softmod without without a 32-bit comp that can do the drivers? D:StarstormXbox-HQ EnthusiastJoined: Feb 23, 2013Posts: 31Posted: Sun 2:08 amPost subject:(removed by self, actually, any cheap way to do it with a 圆4?)dartht33baggerModeratorJoined: Apr 17, 2007Posts: 5408Location: Oregon, USAPosted: Sun 3:34 amPost subject:Have you tried running a virtual machine of windows XP? That would probably work for what you want to do.halofan102ModeratorJoined: Jan 17, 2013Posts: 451Location: MuricaPosted: Sun 5:03 amPost subject:If starstorm is going the route of a flash drive instead of an xbox memory card, couldn't he just use Xplorer360 on a 64-bit PC? That way he could just click and drag the save files to the thumb drive .P. I tried to update it for 64bit but without the src files its an epic failStarstormXbox-HQ EnthusiastJoined: Feb 23, 2013Posts: 31Posted: Sun 2:04 amPost subject:SPPV wrote:64bit doesnt exist for Action Replay. LifetimeJoined: Sep 13, 2010Posts: 2644Location: Kamloops BC CanadaPosted: Sun 2:00 amPost subject:64bit doesnt exist for Action Replay.

#Sun keyboard driver windows 7 drivers
Browsing: 1113SEARCH FORUMSXbox-Hq.Com:: View topic - Action Replay Xbox driver question -::StarstormXbox-HQ EnthusiastJoined: Feb 23, 2013Posts: 31Posted: Sun 1:16 amPost subject: Action Replay Xbox driver questionis there 圆4 drivers? I hear that it uses x86 drivers and I don't have any (well I think don't) 32-bit computer anymore.so.what do I do?SPPVV.I.P.